Integrity's Mission

Integrity Development combines the core aspects that make for successful enterprises – Grit and Integrity. The former is the hallmark characteristic of successful entrepreneurs and real estate sponsors. The environment is always challenging and those individuals who are willing to go the extra mile and adapt to the environment are the ones who ultimately prove to deliver the most value for all parties concerned, including the investors entrusting their hard-earned funds to the deal sponsor.

The latter value in our mission, Integrity, is hard to define. Most people understand the character of individuals when they’re presented with challenges and are able to observe how they react in the face of adversity. Our company’s founders have weathered significant life challenges alongside horrific market cycles of the dot com bust and the mortgage crisis. We are better for having endured these challenges and throughout our history we have never lost a single penny for our investors, having chosen to bear the brunt of the risk in our deal structures and in some cases sucking up the shortfalls even when we were not legally obligated to do so. We feel like this attitude toward our relationships is a competitive advantage and sets us apart from many others serving similar markets.

Grit, determination, and stability of character when mixed give us the needed grounding and perspective to deliver what our partners really want. If it means going through one hundred more opportunities and maintaining modeling discipline instead of tweaking the numbers and the subsequent risk, that is what we’ll do. If it means shifting strategies because the market has changed and thus necessitating forging new relationships, that is what we’ll do. If it means letting our investors know that the market is just plain challenging and they may be better-served to park their funds in other vehicles temporarily, that is what we’ll do.

You see, we believe in being long-term greedy and in the value of relationships that endure the course of time. Our general philosophy is one that is short on sizzle and heavy on steak. We invite our investors to give us a try with small investment sizes and ride along in deals so we can earn your trust over the course of time. Our reporting is top-notch and our deal structures take advantage of novel securities laws and infrastructure that has been perfected over the course of time since the passage of The JOBS Act. These new methods and tools allow us to make use of digital marketing systems to have more robust and engaging dialogue with our investors and to serve their needs for transparency without needing to chew up a lot of their valuable time.

We’re looking forward to being the best steward for your funds and delivering you niche opportunities inside of one of the hottest real estate markets in the country. This is our market we have served for over 20 years now and it is both our investment bed and our home. Simply put; we know Austin real estate and we can help busy professionals place their capital opportunities that are not available through other sponsors. Give us a try and let us prove it to you.

Technology continues to disrupt the real estate sector, transforming how transactions are conducted and properties are marketed.

Investor Relations: (512) 827-9006

Investor Relations: (512) 827-9006

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© 2023 Integrity Development. All Rights Reserved.

© 2023 Integrity Development. All Rights Reserved.